Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I have these shoes that I've been in love with for almost three years now. They are from the ISAAC MIZRAHI line for Target. I loved that he did that. I purchased a lot from his collection. I wish he was still there...I digress.  Okay, so, they totally reminded me of Audrey, and I love her! So they were my go to shoe, I played them out and ruffed them up and I've finally snapped out of my denial to realize that they are lookin' pretty scuzzy. Soooooooo...since I love the shape and the fit I decided to give them a dye job. I purchased this fabric dye from Michael's for $1.99!!! You are supposed to insert this paint into a gadget and spray it like spray paint but that's for the birds. I just put on some gloves and used cotton balls to "sponge" on the paint.
And Voila!

this is one application of the dye, I will do one more since the pattern is still peeking thru, all though I kinda like it like this and have been wearing them everyday! Lol!  p.s. sorry for the poor picture quality, my digital camera is broken and all I have now is this crappy web cam.