Sally Hansen silver Crackle top coat
I finally joined the crackle top coat bandwagon. I'm late, I know. I just couldn't decide if it's for me or not. I chose silver vs. black to ease myself into this trend. I have to say it has grown on me. I also got plenty of compliments which I'm sure helped sway my feelings. (sometimes it looks harsh to me) but with lighter colors, I'm all for it! I've always loved Sally Hansen products. My grandmother (who's also named Sally & 86 by the way!) totally got me hooked. I was always going through her vanity and trying her lotions and potions. In it was always a plethora of great products including Sally Hansen. I'm a loyal Sally customer and probably always will be thanks to gramacita. :) So naturally, when I decided to give crackle a go, Sally was my choice. It's super easy and quite frankly a trip. The first time I used it over dark blue polish and it was too witchy for my taste. So I switched to my favorite shade of blue and viola! I like it. Glad I decided to give it a try. Tell me, do you dig the crackle craze?

Mrs. Middleton